Set the names of your IBM Cognos TM1 server

You can define the names of your TM1® servers as they would appear in IBM® Cognos® Workspace.

If you use languages other than English, you can create additional language files to display the names in IBM Cognos Workspace.


  1. On the computer where you installed the IBM Cognos Analytics Application Tier Components, go to the install_location\configuration\icd\contributions\contrib directory.
  2. Open the file named in a text editor.
  3. Change the text that appears after the equal (=) sign to provide a meaningful name for the TM1 server defined for the title.

    For example, if you defined a TM1 server connection using the rootfeed_title_1 section in the tm1_contribution.atom file in the previous task, change the name to appear as:

    rootfeed_title_1 = MyTM1Server
  4. Change the description in the rootfeed_summary_1 property to give a meaningful description for the TM1 server.

    For example, if you defined a name for your TM1 server connection using rootfeed_title_1, change the rootfeed_summary_1 value such as:

    rootfeed_summary_1 = Detail about MyTM1Server
  5. Add new values for each TM1 server you added in the tm1_contribution.atom file in the previous task. Ensure that you match the rootfeed_title and rootfeed_summary sections with the values you defined in the tm1_contribution.atom file.
  6. If your environment supports multiple languages:
    • Make a copy of the file.
    • Rename the file as, where language_code is the two-character code for the language that you are using such as ja or es.

      A sample French properties file is provided:

  7. Restart the IBM Cognos services for the changed to take effect.