Creating relational custom groups

Create custom groups to classify existing data items into groups that are meaningful to you.

You can use custom groups to convert numeric values into broader categories. For example, you can break down sales results into low, medium, and high categories. Or you can reduce the number of values into a smaller, more meaningful groups. For example, you can change a list of employees into separate teams or departments.

When you create custom groups in a list, a new column is added to the report, with the name data item (Custom). You can use this new column to group or sort the report. If you want to show only the new groups, you can delete the original column.


  1. Click the column that you want to group on and, and in the report object toolbar, click the Insert calculation icon insert calculation icon and then click Define Custom Groups.
    Tip: You can click either the column heading or one of the column cells.
  2. Click the New Group Entry icon New button icon. .
  3. To group by values that you select, click New Select Values Group, type a New group name, select the required values from the Values box, and move the values to the Selected values box.
  4. To group by a range of values, click New Range Group, type a New group name, and enter the From and To values.
  5. If you do not want a group name to appear for remaining values, select Do not show remaining values. Clicking this option will produce empty cells for remaining values.
  6. If you want the group name for remaining values to match each value, select Use each remaining value as a group name.
  7. If you want to specify your own group name for all remaining values, select Group remaining values into a single group and type the name that you want.
  8. If you are adding custom groups in a list, under New data item name, select either the default data item name or type a new data item name.