Referencing data items defined in a static control

If you insert an object in a static control, such as an image in a static repeater table, you can use a data item in the control to populate the object.

Before you begin

You must create the data item in the data table of the control before you can reference the item.

About this task

You can reference data items only for text items, images, hyperlinks, and HTML items inserted in decks, tab controls, and repeater tables.


  1. In the static control, click the object for which you want to reference a data item.
  2. Click the Show properties icon Show properties icon, and in the Properties pane, click the Source type property and choose Control data item value.
    The Control data item value property appears.
  3. Click the Control data item value property and select the data item that you want to reference.
    Tip: If the object is a hyperlink, you can specify the data item to be used to populate the hyperlink text as well as the data item to be used to populate the URL of each link.