Use a response file template

You can use a template to create a response file instead of running an installation to generate the response file.

This topic includes three response file templates for the following types of installations: custom install, easy install, and client install.


  1. Cut and paste from this topic to create the response file you want to use, either for a custom installation or for an easy installation.
  2. Make changes to the response file that you created by following the guidelines in the file.

    Custom install response file template

    #Template of Response file for IBM Cognos Analytic Software Silent installation
    #This template is for a "Custom" install. If you want to do an "Easy" install
    #please use other template, located below.
    #(C) Copyright IBM(R) Corp. 2016. All rights reserved.
    #Remember to make a copy of this file before editing it.
    #Please DO NOT change the following variable since this is a "Custom" install
    #Required - Install type for "Custom" install
    #You must select one of the following install types
    #  If you want to perform "Custom/First Install", 
    #    set BISRVR_CUSTOM_FIRST to be 1, set the other to be 0 
    #  If you want to perform "Custom/Connect and install", 
    #    set BISRVR_CUSTOM_EXPAND to be 1, set the other to be 0 
    #Required - Features
    #For "Custom/First install", feature DATATIER must be selected. 
    #    Other features can be selected at the same time too.
    #For Custom Expand Install, you must select at least one of the features.
    #BISRVR_FEATURE_DATATIER is called "Content repository" in GUI install.
    #BISRVR_FEATURE_APPTIER is called "Application services" in GUI install.
    #BISRVR_FEATURE_GATEWAY is called "Optional Gateway" in GUI install.
    #Required - Install Location
    #The installation location 
    #It is called "Install location" in GUI
    # DEFAULT: 
    #   on UNIX, and Linux
    # 	    /opt/ibm/cognos/analytics
    #   on Windows
    #   C:\\Program Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics
    #Optional - Options for Windows Install
    #The following two entries are for Windows only
    #BISRVR_SHORTCUT is called "Program folder" in GUI install 
    #BISRVR_ALLUSERS is called "Make shortcut visible to all users in the Start menu"
    #	in GUI install. Set to 1 if you want the shortcut visible.
    #End of Custom install template

    Easy install response file template

    #Template of Response file for IBM Cognos Analytic Software Silent installation
    #This template is for an "Easy" install. If you want to do a "Custom" install
    #please use other template, located above.
    #(C) Copyright IBM(R) Corp. 2016. All rights reserved.
    #Remember to make a copy of this file before editing it.
    #Required - Install type for "Easy install"
    #You must select one of the following install types
    #  If you want to perform "Easy install/First Install", 
    #    set BISRVR_INSTALLTYPE_READY to be 1, set the other to be 0 
    #  If you want to perform "Easy install/Connect and Install", 
    #    set BISRVR_INSTALLTYPE_EXPAND to be 1, set the other to be 0 
    #Required - Install Location
    #The installation location 
    #It is called "Install location" in GUI
    # DEFAULT: 
    #   on UNIX, and Linux
    # 	    /opt/ibm/cognos/analytics
    #   on Windows
    #   C:\\Program Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics
    #Required - Input Required for "Easy install"
    #Cognos administrator credentials are required for "Easy install".
    #BISRVR_COGNOSUSER is called "Cognos administrator user ID" in GUI install.
    #BISRVR_COGNOSUSER_PASSWORD is called "Password" in GUI install. 
    # The password must be encrypted. It can be obtained by recording a GUI install.
    #Optional - Options for Windows Install
    #The following two entries are for Windows only
    #BISRVR_SHORTCUT is called "Program folder" in GUI install 
    #BISRVR_ALLUSERS is called "Make shortcut visible to all users in the Start menu"
    #	in GUI install. Set to 1 if you want the shortcut visible.
    #End of Easy install template

    Client install response file template

    The client applications include: Framework Manager (CA_FM), Lifecycle Manager (CA_LCM), Cognos Cube Designer (CA_DCUBEMODEL), Dynamic Query Analyzer (CA_DQA), and Cognos Analytics for Jupyter Notebook Server (CA_JUPYTER).

    #Template of Response file for IBM Cognos Analytic Software Silent installation#
    #This template is for installing client tools.#
    #(C) Copyright IBM(R) Corp. 2016. All rights reserved.
    #Remember to make a copy of this file before editing it.
    #Do not change this variable value, as this is not a CA install
    #Do not change this, as this response file is for tools
    #Set only one client tool you need to install to 1
    #Set the installation location
    #repo zip file full path

What to do next

Run your response file according to the instructions in the topic Use a silent installation.