Configuring Cognos Analytics with either Apache HTTP Server or IBM HTTP Server

This topic explains how to configure either Apache HTTP Server or IBM HTTP Server to use the cognos.conf file. This configuration file contains all the settings required by IBM Cognos Analytics.

About this task

Perform the following steps to configure your web server to use the cognos.conf file. This configuration file contains all the settings required by IBM Cognos Analytics.


  1. Go to the apache/conf directory.
  2. Open the httpd.conf file in a text editor.
  3. If you are using SSL, follow these steps
    1. Add the following lines to the file:
      <VirtualHost *:443> 
      SSLClientAuth None
      SSLProxyEngine on
      # IBM Cognos Analytics Configuration
        Include conf/cognos.conf
    2. If you are using SSL with IBM HTTP Server, follow these steps:
      1. Uncomment the following line:
        LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
      2. Update the value of the ServerName directory to be the host name of IBM HTTP Server.
  4. If you are not using SSL, add the following lines to the file:
    <VirtualHost *:80> 
      Include conf/cognos.conf
  5. Save and close the httpd.conf file.

For UNIX only, define the MIME type for SVG files.

  1. Open the etc/mime.types file in a text editor and add the following lines:
    #MIME type          Extensions
    image/svg+xml      svg
  2. Save and close the file.
  3. For the Cognos Analytics web module to work in a UNIX or Linux environment, you must append the IBM Cognos Analytics gateway cgi-bin directory to the library path.
    Operating System Variable
    Solaris or Linux LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    For example, in a Linux environment, sign in as the user that starts the web server. If you are using the Bash shell, you will be adding the following to the end of $HOME/.bashrc: Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/ibm/cognos/analytics/cgi-bin

  4. Restart the web server.