If you no longer require IBM®
Cognos® Analytics or if you are upgrading on your UNIX or Linux® operating
system, uninstall IBM
Cognos Analytics.
Uninstalling does not remove any files
that changed since the installation, such as configuration and user
data files. Your installation location remains on your computer, and
you retain these files until you delete them manually.
- If the console attached to your computer does not support
a Java-based graphical user interface, determine the process identification
(pid) of the IBM
Cognos Analytics process by typing the following
ps -ef | grep cogbootstrapservice
- Stop the IBM
Cognos Analytics process:
- If you run XWindows, start IBM Cognos Configuration, and from
the Actions menu, click Stop.
- If you do not run XWindows, type:
kill -TERM pid
To uninstall IBM
Cognos Analytics, go
to the install_location/uninstall directory and type the
appropriate command:
- Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation.
- Delete all temporary Internet files from the Web browser