Running OO applications that start with a main method

If the first routine of a mixed COBOL and Java™ application is the main method of a Java class or the main factory method of a COBOL class, run the application by using the java command and by specifying the name of the class that contains the main method.

The java command initializes the Java virtual machine (JVM). To customize the initialization of the JVM, specify options on the java command as in the following examples:

Table 1. java command options for customizing the JVM
Purpose Option
To set a system property -Dname=value
To request that the JVM generate verbose messages about garbage collection -verbose:gc
To request that the JVM generate verbose messages about class loading -verbose:class
To request that the JVM generate verbose messages about native methods and other Java Native Interface activity -verbose:jni
To set the initial Java heap size to value bytes -Xmsvalue
To set the maximum Java heap size to value bytes -Xmxvalue

For details about the options that the JVM supports, see the output from the java -h command, or see the Related references.

Related references  
IBM® SDK for Java - Tools Documentation  
WebSphere® for z/OS®: Applications (Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI))