Setting and accessing environment variables

You can set environment variables for z/OS® UNIX COBOL programs either from the shell with commands export and set, or from the program.

About this task

Although setting and resetting environment variables from the shell before you begin to run a program is a typical procedure, you can set, reset, and access environment variables from the program while it is running.

If you are running a program with BPXBATCH, you can set environment variables by using an STDENV DD statement.

To reset an environment variable as if it had not been set, use the z/OS UNIX shell command unset. To reset an environment variable from a COBOL program, call the setenv() function.

To see the values of all environment variables, use the export command with no parameters. To access the value of an environment variable from a COBOL program, call the getenv() function.

Example: setting and accessing environment variables

Related references  
Runtime environment variables  
Language Environment® Programming Reference
MVS Program Management: User's Guide and Reference