Processing table items using intrinsic functions

You can use intrinsic functions to process alphabetic, alphanumeric, national, or numeric table items. (You can process DBCS data items only with the NATIONAL-OF intrinsic function.) The data descriptions of the table items must be compatible with the requirements for the function arguments.

About this task

Use a subscript or index to reference an individual data item as a function argument. For example, assuming that Table-One is a 3 x 3 array of numeric items, you can find the square root of the middle element by using this statement:

Compute X = Function Sqrt(Table-One(2,2))

You might often need to iteratively process the data in tables. For intrinsic functions that accept multiple arguments, you can use the subscript ALL to reference all the items in the table or in a single dimension of the table. The iteration is handled automatically, which can make your code shorter and simpler.

You can mix scalars and array arguments for functions that accept multiple arguments:

Compute Table-Median = Function Median(Arg1 Table-One(ALL))

Example: processing tables using intrinsic functions

Related references  
Intrinsic functions (Enterprise COBOL for z/OS® Language Reference)