Evaluating data items (intrinsic functions)
You can use intrinsic functions to determine the ordinal position of a character in the collating sequence, to find the largest or smallest item in a series, to find the length of data item, or to determine when a program was compiled.
About this task
Use these intrinsic functions:
to evaluate integers and single alphabetic or alphanumeric characters with respect to the collating sequence used in a programMAX
, andORD-MIN
to find the largest and smallest items in a series of data items, includingUSAGE NATIONAL
data itemsLENGTH
to find the length of data items, includingUSAGE NATIONAL
data items, andBYTE-LENGTH
to find the length of data items in bytes, including DBCS data itemsWHEN-COMPILED
to find the date and time when a program was compiled