Converting data items (intrinsic functions)
You can use intrinsic functions to convert character-string data items to several other formats, for example, to uppercase or lowercase, to reverse order, to numbers, to one code page from another, or to hexadecimal or binary digits. You can also convert hexadecimal character strings or bit character strings to alphanumeric data items.
About this task
You can use the NATIONAL-OF
functions to convert to and from national (Unicode) strings.
can also use the INSPECT
statement to convert characters.
Related tasks
Changing case (UPPER-CASE, LOWER-CASE)
Transforming to reverse order (REVERSE)
Converting to numbers (NUMVAL, NUMVAL-C, NUMVAL-F)
Converting from one code page to another
Converting to hexadecimal or bit data (HEX-OF, BIT-OF)
Converting from hexadecimal or bit data (HEX-TO-CHAR, BIT-TO-CHAR)
Changing case (UPPER-CASE, LOWER-CASE)
Transforming to reverse order (REVERSE)
Converting to numbers (NUMVAL, NUMVAL-C, NUMVAL-F)
Converting from one code page to another
Converting to hexadecimal or bit data (HEX-OF, BIT-OF)
Converting from hexadecimal or bit data (HEX-TO-CHAR, BIT-TO-CHAR)