Example: converting to and from national data

The following example shows the NATIONAL-OF and DISPLAY-OF intrinsic functions and the MOVE statement for converting to and from national (UTF-16) data items. It also demonstrates the need for explicit conversions when you operate on strings that are encoded in multiple code pages.

* . . .
 01  Data-in-Unicode          pic N(100) usage national.
 01  Data-in-Greek            pic X(100).
 01  other-data-in-US-English pic X(12) value "PRICE in $ =".
* . . .
     Read Greek-file into Data-in-Greek
     Move function National-of(Data-in-Greek, 00875)
         to Data-in-Unicode
* . . . process Data-in-Unicode here . . .
     Move function Display-of(Data-in-Unicode, 00875)
         to Data-in-Greek
     Write Greek-record from Data-in-Greek

The example above works correctly because the input code page is specified. Data-in-Greek is converted as data represented in CCSID 00875 (Greek). However, the following statement results in an incorrect conversion unless all the characters in the item happen to be among those that have a common representation in both the Greek and the English code pages:

Move Data-in-Greek to Data-in-Unicode

The MOVE statement above converts Data-in-Greek to Unicode representation based on the CCSID 00037 (U.S. English) to UTF-16 conversion. This conversion does not produce the expected results because Data-in-Greek is encoded in CCSID 00875.

If you can correctly set the CODEPAGE compiler option to CCSID 00875 (that is, the rest of your program also handles EBCDIC data in Greek), you can code the same example correctly as follows:

* . . .
 01  Data-in-Unicode pic N(100) usage national.
 01  Data-in-Greek   pic X(100).
* . . .
     Read Greek-file into Data-in-Greek
* . . . process Data-in-Greek here ...
* . . . or do the following (if need to process data in Unicode):
     Move Data-in-Greek to Data-in-Unicode
* . . . process Data-in-Unicode
     Move function Display-of(Data-in-Unicode) to Data-in-Greek
     Write Greek-record from Data-in-Greek