IGYTSALE: nested program application

Application IGYTSALE tracks product sales and sales commissions for a sporting-goods distributor.

This nested program application does the following tasks:

  1. Keeps a record of the product line, customers, and number of salespeople. This data is stored in a file called IGYTABLE.
  2. Maintains a file that records valid transactions and transaction errors. All transactions that are not valid are flagged, and the results are printed in a report. Transactions to be processed are in a file called IGYTRANA.
  3. Processes transactions and report sales by location.
  4. Records an individual's sales performance and commission, and prints the results in a report.
  5. Reports the sale and shipment dates in local time and UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), and calculates the response time.

The following diagram shows the parts of the application as a hierarchy:

This image shows the program hierarchy of the sales application. Link to detail.

The following diagram shows how the parts are nested:

This image shows the nesting structure of programs in the sales application. Link to detail.

Related tasks  
Preparing to run IGYTSALE