
Every method available on instances of a class is also available on instances of any subclass directly or indirectly derived from that class.

A subclass can introduce new methods that do not exist in the parent or ancestor class and can override a method from the parent or ancestor class. When a subclass overrides an existing method, it defines a new implementation for that method, which replaces the inherited implementation.

The instance data of class-name-1 is the instance data declared in class-name-2 together with the data declared in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION of class-name-1. Note, however, that instance data is always private to the class that introduces it.

The semantics of inheritance are as defined by Java™. All classes must be derived directly or directly from the java.lang.Object class.

Java supports single inheritance; that is, no class can inherit directly from more than one parent. Only one class-name can be specified in the INHERITS phrase of a class definition.