Symbols used in LIST and MAP output

The following table describes the symbols used in the listings produced by the LIST or MAP option.

Table 1. Symbols used in LIST and MAP output
Symbol Definition
BLF_n1 Base locator for files
BLL_n1 Base locator for LINKAGE SECTION
BLO_n1 Base locator for object instance data
BLT_n1 Base locator for XML-TEXT and XML-NTEXT
BLV_n1 Base locator for variably located data
BLX_n1 Base locator for external data
ODOsv_cell ODO save cell number
Pfm_cell PERFORM cell number
Pfmsv_cell Perform save cell number
TSN=N Temporary created by the compiler
VLC_cell Variable-length cell (ODO)
VN_cell Variable name cell for PERFORM statement
VNGO_cell Variable name cell for ALTER statement
VNI_cell Variable name initialization
#Calc00000000n Code to compute addresses of data that is present after an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause
#WSVal0000000n Code to initialize the WORKING-STORAGE area for a procedure
_ArgumentList Outgoing arguments to a procedure
_ACON Address of a symbol
_BEtempNNN Temporary created by the optimizer
_CAA Address of the start of the Language Environment® Common Anchor Area
_CACHED_$STATIC Copy of the start address of the static area (for this procedure)
_CONSTANT_AREA+n Offset in the Constant Area
_CRENT Address of the storage (for this module), from the CAA
_incomingArgumentList Incoming parameters to the procedure
_parentDSA For a nested procedure, it is the address of its parent's stack
_QCON Offset to a symbol
_returnValue Return value of the procedure
_VTS_n Temporary created by the optimizer
  1. n is the number of the entry. For base locators, it can also be XXXXX, indicating a data item that was deleted by STGOPT processing.