The RMODE setting influences the RMODE (residency mode) of your generated object program.

RMODE option syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramRMODE(AUTO24ANY)

Default is: AUTO

Abbreviations are: None

A program compiled with the RMODE(AUTO) option will have RMODE 24 if NORENT is specified, or RMODE ANY if RENT is specified. RMODE AUTO is compatible with older compilers such as VS COBOL II, which produced RMODE 24 for programs compiled with NORENT, and RMODE ANY for programs compiled with RENT.

A program compiled with the RMODE(24) option will have RMODE 24 whether NORENT or RENT is specified.

A program compiled with the RMODE(ANY) option must also be compiled with the RENT option. The program will have the RMODE ANY attribute.

If the NORENT option is specified, the RMODE(24) or RMODE(AUTO) compiler option must be specified. Overriding the module RMODE with a binder option or control statement is not supported.

DATA and RENT: The RMODE option interacts with other compiler options and runtime options that affect storage and its addressability. For information about passing data between programs with different modes, see the related concept about storage and its addressability.

Start of changeLink-edit considerations: If the object code that COBOL generates has an attribute of RMODE 24, you must link-edit the code into an RMODE 24 module. If the object code that COBOL generates has an attribute of RMODE ANY, you can link-edit the code into either an RMODE ANY or RMODE 24 module.End of change

Start of changeAMODE 64 considerations: The LP(64) compiler option implies RMODE(ANY). If the user explicitly specifies RMODE(24), an informational message is issued and the setting is ignored.End of change

Related concepts  
Storage and its addressability