Overriding options specified as fixed

Occasionally, you might have an application that needs to override one or more options that were specified as fixed.

You can provide other options by creating a temporary copy of the options module in a separate data set that can be accessed as a STEPLIB or JOBLIB (ahead of the IGY.V6R3M0.SIGYCOMP data set) when the application is compiled.

Sample job IGYWUOPT creates a default options module that is link-edited into a user-specified data set. The assembly and link-editing take place outside SMP/E control, so the standard default options module is not disturbed.

To modify the JCL for IGYWUOPT, do these steps:

  1. Add a job card appropriate for your site.
  2. Add a JES ROUTE card if required for your site.
  3. Replace the two comment lines in IGYWUOPT with a copy of the source for IGYCDOPT found in IGY.V6R3M0.SIGYSAMP.
  4. Change the parameters on the IGYCOPT macro statement in IGYWUOPT to reflect the values that you have chosen for this fixed option override compiler-options module.
  5. If you chose to use a different prefix than the IBM®-supplied one for the Enterprise COBOL target data sets, check the SYSLIB DD statement (marked with '<<<<<') to ensure that the data set names are correct.
  6. Change DSNAME=YOURLIB in the SYSLMOD DD statement to the name of the data set that you want your IGYCDOPT module bound into. Note that an IGYCDOPT module currently in the chosen data set will be replaced by the new version.

After you modify the IGYWUOPT job, submit it. Both steps return a condition code of 0 if the job runs successfully. Also check the IGYnnnn informational messages in your listing to verify the defaults that are in effect when this module is used in place of the standard default options module.