Use FLAG(x) to produce diagnostic messages at the end of the source listing for errors of a severity level x or above.

FLAG option syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramFLAG( x, y)NOFLAG

Default is: FLAG(I,I)

Abbreviations are: F | NOF

x and y can be either I, W, E, S, or U.

Use FLAG(x,y) to produce diagnostic messages for errors of severity level x or above at the end of the source listing, with error messages of severity y and above to be embedded directly in the source listing. The severity coded for y must not be lower than the severity coded for x. To use FLAG(x,y), you must also specify the SOURCE compiler option.

Error messages in the source listing are set off by the embedding of the statement number in an arrow that points to the message code. The message code is followed by the message text. For example:


==000413==>    IGYPS2121-S     " WS-DATE " was not defined as a data-name.  . . .

When FLAG(x,y) is in effect, most messages of severity y and above are embedded in the listing after the line that caused the message. Messages with the IGYCB prefix will never be embedded in the source. (See the related reference below for information about messages for exceptions.)

Use NOFLAG to suppress error flagging. NOFLAG does not suppress error messages for compiler options.

Embedded messages

  • Embedding level-U messages is not recommended. The specification of embedded level-U messages is accepted, but does not produce any messages in the source.
  • The FLAG option does not affect diagnostic messages that are produced before the compiler options are processed.
  • Diagnostic messages that are produced during processing of compiler options, CBL or PROCESS statements, or BASIS, COPY, or REPLACE statements are not embedded in the source listing. All such messages appear at the beginning of the compiler output.
  • Diagnostic messages with the IGYCB prefix are not embedded in the source listing. All such messages appear at the end of the compiler output, regardless of the setting of the FLAG option.
  • Messages that are produced during processing of the *CONTROL or *CBL statement are not embedded in the source listing.