Changing the compiler options default module

To change the defaults for the Enterprise COBOL compiler options, modify the sample job IGYWDOPT.

To choose default values, use the information in Enterprise COBOL compiler options.

To modify the JCL for IGYWDOPT, do these steps:

  1. Add a job card appropriate for your site.
  2. Add a JES ROUTE card if required for your site.
  3. Replace the two comment lines in IGYWDOPT with a copy of the source for IGYCDOPT found in IGY.V6R3M0.SIGYSAMP.
  4. Code parameters on the IGYCOPT macro statement in IGYCDOPT to reflect the values you have chosen for your installation-wide default compiler options.
  5. Change #GLOBALCSI to the global CSI name.
  6. Change #TZONE in the SET BDY statement to the target zone name.

After you modify the IGYWDOPT job, submit it. You will get a condition code of 0 if the job runs correctly. Also check the IGYnnnn informational messages in your listing to verify the defaults that will be in effect for your installation.