Example: defining a method

The following example adds to the previous example the instance method definitions of the Account class, and shows the definition of the Java™ Check class.

(The previous example was Example: defining a class.)

Account class

 cbl dll,thread,pgmname(longmixed)
 Identification Division.
 Class-id. Account inherits Base.
 Environment Division.
 Configuration section.
     Class Base    is "java.lang.Object"
     Class Account is "Account".
*  (FACTORY paragraph not shown)
 Identification division.
  Data division.
  Working-storage section.
  01 AccountNumber  pic 9(6).
  01 AccountBalance pic S9(9) value zero.
  Procedure Division.
*    init method to initialize the account:
   Identification Division.
   Method-id. "init".
   Data division.
   Linkage section.
   01 inAccountNumber pic S9(9) binary.
   Procedure Division using by value inAccountNumber.
     Move inAccountNumber to AccountNumber.
   End method "init".
*    getBalance method to return the account balance:
   Identification Division.
   Method-id. "getBalance".
   Data division.
   Linkage section.
   01 outBalance pic S9(9) binary.
   Procedure Division returning outBalance.
     Move AccountBalance to outBalance.
   End method "getBalance".
*    credit method to deposit to the account: 
   Identification Division.
   Method-id. "credit".
   Data division.
   Linkage section.
   01 inCredit   pic S9(9) binary.
   Procedure Division using by value inCredit.
     Add inCredit to AccountBalance.
   End method "credit".
*    debit method to withdraw from the account: 
   Identification Division.
   Method-id. "debit".
   Data division.
   Linkage section.
   01 inDebit    pic S9(9) binary.
   Procedure Division using by value inDebit.
     Subtract inDebit from AccountBalance.
   End method "debit".
*    print method to display formatted account number and balance:
   Identification Division.
   Method-id. "print".
   Data division.
   Local-storage section.
   01 PrintableAccountNumber  pic ZZZZZZ999999.
   01 PrintableAccountBalance pic $$$$,$$$,$$9CR.
   Procedure Division.
     Move AccountNumber  to PrintableAccountNumber
     Move AccountBalance to PrintableAccountBalance
     Display " Account: " PrintableAccountNumber
     Display " Balance: " PrintableAccountBalance.
   End method "print".
 End Object.
 End class Account.

Check class

 * A Java class for check information 
public class Check {
  private CheckingAccount payer;
  private Account         payee;
  private int             amount;

  public Check(CheckingAccount inPayer, Account inPayee, int inAmount) {

  public int getAmount() {
    return amount;

  public Account getPayee() {
    return payee;