JSON GENERATE exceptions

One of several exception codes might be returned in the JSON-CODE special register during JSON generation. If one of these exceptions occurs, control is passed to the statement in the ON EXCEPTION phrase, or to the end of the JSON GENERATE statement if you did not code an ON EXCEPTION phrase.

Table 1. JSON GENERATE exceptions
Exception code (decimal) Description
1 The receiver was too small to contain the generated JSON text. The COUNT IN data item, if specified, contains the count of character positions that were actually generated.
504 The storage is insufficient for the JSON GENERATE work area. Increase the region size and rerun the application.
507 Internal error. The LE runtime level might not be up-to-date. Install the latest LE runtime PTFs. If the error persists, report the error to your service representative.
500 - 599 (excluding exception codes defined above) Internal error. Report the error to your service representative.