Example: IGZCD2A

This example CALL statement converts the DBCS data in dbcs-item to alphanumeric data with double-byte characters. The results of the conversion are placed in alpha-item.

CALL "IGZCD2A" USING BY REFERENCE dbcs-item alpha-item
    BY CONTENT LENGTH OF dbcs-item LENGTH OF alpha-item

Suppose the contents of dbcs-item and alpha-item and the lengths before the conversion are:

dbcs-item  = .A.BD1D2D3.C.D
alpha-item = ssssssssssss

LENGTH OF dbcs-item  = 14
LENGTH OF alpha-item = 12

Then after the conversion, dbcs-item and alpha-item will contain:

dbcs-item  = .A.BD1D2D3.C.D
alpha-item = AB<D1D2D3>CD

The content of the RETURN-CODE register is 0.

Related references  
DBCS notation