Planning to customize Enterprise COBOL
When you plan the customization of Enterprise COBOL, you need to consider whether to modify compiler-option default values and whether to create an additional reserved-word table.
The following information helps you plan your customization:
If you're installing IBM Debug for z/OS (formerly IBM Debug for z Systems® and IBM Debug Tool for z/OS), you can decide whether to place its modules in shared storage, and whether to set up your CICS® environment to work with the debugger.
For the actual customization procedures, see Customizing Enterprise COBOL.
This information also contains worksheets to help you plan modifications to the IBM-supplied default values within macros. For an explanation about the planning sheets, see Using the macro planning worksheets.
Important: Confer with the application programmers at
your site while you plan the customization of Enterprise COBOL. Doing so will ensure that
the modifications you make serve their needs and support the applications
being developed.