Using COBOL user exit routines with DFSORT

You can write DFSORT E15 and E35 user exit routines in COBOL. For details about the COBOL user exit routine interface, refer to Using your own user exit routines in the z/OS® DFSORT Application Programming Guide.

About this task

Note that the following rules apply:
  • The COBOL routine should not contain SORT or MERGE statements.
  • The COBOL routine should not return by using STOP RUN.
  • The return code to be passed back to DFSORT must be set using the RETURN-CODE special register.
  • DFSORT might use high-half of the general registers. If the COBOL exit routine is compiled with Enterprise COBOL V5 or later versions, the HGPR(PRESERVE) compiler option must be used. This is the default setting of the HGPR option.


Related references  
RETURN-CODE (Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Language Reference)