Example: parsing XML documents with validation
This example shows the parsing of several XML documents with validation against a schema, and a processing procedure that captures the return code and reason code that the parser generates after parsing each document. All of the XML documents are well formed but not necessarily valid.
The program must be compiled using the XMLPARSE(XMLSS)
The example uses the schema that was described in the related concept about XML schemas.
Assume that file item.xsd contains the schema in text format, and that the preprocessed schema was generated in file item.osr by means of the following z/OS® UNIX command:
xsdosrg -v -o /u/HLQ/xml/item.osr /u/HLQ/xml/item.xsd
The example uses the XML-SCHEMA
to associate the XML schema name schema
with the
ddname ddschema
. The following DD
associates the ddname with the external z/OS UNIX file that contains the
//GO.DDSCHEMA DD PATH='/u/HLQ/xml/item.osr'
Program ValidCk
Identification division.
Program-id. ValidCk.
Environment division.
Configuration section.
xml-schema schema is 'ddschema'.
Data division.
Working-storage section.
1 xml-decode.
2 rtn comp Pic 9(2).
2 rsn comp-5 Pic 9(4).
1 hv pic x(16) value '0123456789ABCDEF'.
1 T Pic 999 COMP.
1 xml-document-1.
2 pic x(52) value
'<!--Valid: the "itemName" element can be omitted-->'.
2 pic x(31) value '<stockItem itemNumber="123-AB">'.
2 pic x(36) value ' <quantityOnHand>1</quantityOnHand>'.
2 pic x(12) value '</stockItem>'.
1 xml-document-2.
2 pic x(44)
value '<!--Invalid: missing attribute itemNumber-->'.
2 pic x(11) value '<stockItem>'.
2 pic x(30) value ' <itemName>No name</itemName>'.
2 pic x(36) value ' <quantityOnHand>1</quantityOnHand>'.
2 pic x(12) value '</stockItem>'.
1 xml-document-3.
2 pic x(47)
value '<!--Invalid: unexpected attribute warehouse-->'.
2 pic x(46) value
'<stockItem itemNumber="074-UN" warehouse="NJ">'.
2 pic x(37) value ' <quantityOnHand>10</quantityOnHand>'.
2 pic x(32) value ' <itemName>Not here!</itemName>'.
2 pic x(12) value '</stockItem>'.
1 xml-document-4.
2 pic x(46)
value '<!--Invalid: illegal attribute value 123-Ab-->'.
2 pic x(31) value '<stockItem itemNumber="123-Ab">'.
2 pic x(33) value ' <itemName>Paintbrush</itemName>'.
2 pic x(37) value ' <quantityOnHand>10</quantityOnHand>'.
2 pic x(12) value '</stockItem>'.
1 xml-document-5.
2 pic x(46)
value '<!--Invalid: missing element quantityOnHand-->'.
2 pic x(31) value '<stockItem itemNumber="074-UN">'.
2 pic x(32) value ' <itemName>Not here!</itemName>'.
2 pic x(12) value '</stockItem>'.
1 xml-document-6.
2 pic x(42)
value '<!--Invalid: unexpected element comment-->'.
2 pic x(31) value '<stockItem itemNumber="123-AB">'.
2 pic x(33) value ' <itemName>Paintbrush</itemName>'.
2 pic x(36) value ' <quantityOnHand>1</quantityOnHand>'.
2 pic x(35) value ' <comment>Nylon bristles</comment>'.
2 pic x(12) value '</stockItem>'.
1 xml-document-7.
2 pic x(46) value
'<!--Invalid: out-of-range element value 100-->'.
2 pic x(31) value '<stockItem itemNumber="123-AB">'.
2 pic x(33) value ' <itemName>Paintbrush</itemName>'.
2 pic x(38) value ' <quantityOnHand>100</quantityOnHand>'.
2 pic x(12) value '</stockItem>'.
Procedure division.
xml parse xml-document-1 validating with file schema
processing procedure p
xml parse xml-document-2 validating with file schema
processing procedure p
xml parse xml-document-3 validating with file schema
processing procedure p
xml parse xml-document-4 validating with file schema
processing procedure p
xml parse xml-document-5 validating with file schema
processing procedure p
xml parse xml-document-6 validating with file schema
processing procedure p
xml parse xml-document-7 validating with file schema
processing procedure p
evaluate xml-event
when 'COMMENT'
display ' '
display xml-text
display ' Document successfully parsed.'
move xml-code to xml-decode
Divide rsn by 16 giving tally remainder T
display ' RC=' rtn ', reason=x'''
hv(function mod(rsn / 4096 16) + 1:1)
hv(function mod(rsn / 256 16) + 1:1)
hv(function mod(rsn / 16 16) + 1:1)
hv(T + 1:1) ''''
End program ValidCk.
Output from program ValidCk
In the following output, you can see which XML documents in the source program failed validation against the schema.
those documents that were not valid, the parser signaled an XML exception
and passed control to the processing procedure with special register XML-EVENT
' and special-register XML-CODE
the return code and a specific reason code.
Valid: the "itemName" element can be omitted
Document successfully parsed.
Invalid: missing attribute itemNumber
RC=24, reason=x'8613'
Invalid: unexpected attribute warehouse
RC=24, reason=x'8612'
Invalid: illegal attribute value 123-Ab
RC=24, reason=x'8809'
Invalid: missing element quantityOnHand
RC=24, reason=x'8611'
Invalid: unexpected element comment
RC=24, reason=x'8607'
Invalid: out-of-range element value 100
RC=24, reason=x'8803'