If the XMLPARSE(XMLSS) option is in effect, the XML parser sets the XML-NAMESPACE or XML-NNAMESPACE special register to the namespace identifier for a NAMESPACE-DECLARATION XML event, or if it encounters an element name or attribute name that is in a namespace.

The parser sets XML-NNAMESPACE if the XML document is in a national data item, or if the RETURNING NATIONAL phrase is specified in the XML PARSE statement. Otherwise, the parser sets XML-NAMESPACE.

The special registers XML-NAMESPACE and XML-NNAMESPACE are mutually exclusive: If the parser sets XML-NAMESPACE, XML-NNAMESPACE is empty with length zero. If the parser sets XML-NNAMESPACE, XML-NAMESPACE is empty with length zero.

To determine the number of character encoding units in XML-NNAMESPACE, use the LENGTH intrinsic function; for example: FUNCTION LENGTH(XML-NNAMESPACE). To determine the number of bytes in XML-NNAMESPACE, use special register LENGTH OF XML-NNAMESPACE. The number of character encoding units differs from the number of bytes.

To determine the number of bytes in XML-NAMESPACE, use either special register LENGTH OF XML-NAMESPACE or the LENGTH intrinsic function; each returns the number of bytes.

The XML namespace special registers are undefined outside the processing procedure.

Related references
XMLPARSE (compiler option)