Job identification record: X'0000'

The following table shows the contents of the job identification record.

Table 1. SYSADATA job identification record
Field Size Description
Date CL8 The date of the compilation in the format YYYYMMDD
Time CL4 The time of the compilation in the format HHMM
Product number CL8 The product number of the compiler that produced the associated data file
Product version CL8 The version number of the product that produced the associated data file, in the form V.R.M
BLD Level CL8 The build level information (of the form PYYMMDD) of the product that produced the associated data file
System ID CL24 The system identification of the system on which the compilation was run
Job name CL8 The MVS job name of the compilation job
Step name CL8 The MVS step name of the compilation step
Proc step CL8 The MVS procedure step name of the compilation procedure
Number of input files1 HL2 The number of input files recorded in this record.

The following group of seven fields will occur n times depending on the value in this field.

...Input file number HL2 The assigned sequence number of the file
...Input file name length HL2 The length of the following input file name
...Volume serial number length HL2 The length of the volume serial number
...Member name length HL2 The length of the member name
...Input file name CL(n) The name of the input file for the compilation
...Volume serial number CL(n) The volume serial number of the (first) volume on which the input file resides
...Member name CL(n) Where applicable, the name of the member in the input file
  1. Where the number of input files would exceed the record size for the associated data file, the record is continued on the next record. The current number of input files (for that record) is stored in the record, and the record is written to the associated data file. The next record contains the rest of the input files. The count of the number of input files is a count for the current record.