Examples: numeric intrinsic functions

The following examples and accompanying explanations show intrinsic functions in each of several categories.

Where the examples below show zoned decimal data items, national decimal items could instead be used. (Signed national decimal items, however, require that the SIGN SEPARATE clause be in effect.)

General number handling

Suppose you want to find the maximum value of two prices (represented below as alphanumeric items with dollar signs), put this value into a numeric field in an output record, and determine the length of the output record. You can use NUMVAL-C (a function that returns the numeric value of an alphanumeric or national literal, or an alphanumeric or national data item) and the MAX and LENGTH functions to do so:

01  X                   Pic 9(2).
01  Price1              Pic x(8)   Value "$8000".
01  Price2              Pic x(8)   Value "$2000".
01  Output-Record.
    05  Product-Name    Pic x(20).
    05  Product-Number  Pic 9(9).
    05  Product-Price   Pic 9(6).
. . .
Procedure Division.
    Compute Product-Price =
      Function Max (Function Numval-C(Price1) Function Numval-C(Price2))
    Compute X = Function Length(Output-Record)

Additionally, to ensure that the contents in Product-Name are in uppercase letters, you can use the following statement:

Move Function Upper-case (Product-Name) to Product-Name

Date and time

The following example shows how to calculate a due date that is 90 days from today. The first eight characters returned by the CURRENT-DATE function represent the date in a four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day format (YYYYMMDD). The date is converted to its integer value; then 90 is added to this value and the integer is converted back to the YYYYMMDD format.

01  YYYYMMDD         Pic 9(8).
01  Integer-Form     Pic S9(9).
. . .
    Move Function Current-Date(1:8) to YYYYMMDD
    Compute Integer-Form = Function Integer-of-Date(YYYYMMDD)
    Add 90 to Integer-Form
    Compute YYYYMMDD = Function Date-of-Integer(Integer-Form)
    Display 'Due Date: ' YYYYMMDD


Business investment decisions frequently require computing the present value of expected future cash inflows to evaluate the profitability of a planned investment. The present value of an amount that you expect to receive at a given time in the future is that amount, which, if invested today at a given interest rate, would accumulate to that future amount.

For example, assume that a proposed investment of $1,000 produces a payment stream of $100, $200, and $300 over the next three years, one payment per year respectively. The following COBOL statements calculate the present value of those cash inflows at a 10% interest rate:

01  Series-Amt1      Pic 9(9)V99       Value 100.
01  Series-Amt2      Pic 9(9)V99       Value 200.
01  Series-Amt3      Pic 9(9)V99       Value 300.
01  Discount-Rate    Pic S9(2)V9(6)    Value .10.
01  Todays-Value     Pic 9(9)V99.
. . .
    Compute Todays-Value =
        Present-Value(Discount-Rate Series-Amt1 Series-Amt2 Series-Amt3)

You can use the ANNUITY function in business problems that require you to determine the amount of an installment payment (annuity) necessary to repay the principal and interest of a loan. The series of payments is characterized by an equal amount each period, periods of equal length, and an equal interest rate each period. The following example shows how you can calculate the monthly payment required to repay a $15,000 loan in three years at a 12% annual interest rate (36 monthly payments, interest per month = .12/12):

01  Loan             Pic 9(9)V99.
01  Payment          Pic 9(9)V99.
01  Interest         Pic 9(9)V99.
01  Number-Periods   Pic 99.
. . .
    Compute Loan = 15000
    Compute Interest = .12
    Compute Number-Periods = 36
    Compute Payment =
      Loan * Function Annuity((Interest / 12) Number-Periods)


The following COBOL statement demonstrates that you can nest intrinsic functions, use arithmetic expressions as arguments, and perform previously complex calculations simply:

Compute Z = Function Log(Function Sqrt (2 * X + 1)) + Function Rem(X 2)

Here in the addend the intrinsic function REM (instead of a DIVIDE statement with a REMAINDER clause) returns the remainder of dividing X by 2.


Intrinsic functions make calculating statistical information easier. Assume you are analyzing various city taxes and want to calculate the mean, median, and range (the difference between the maximum and minimum taxes):

01  Tax-S            Pic 99v999 value .045.
01  Tax-T            Pic 99v999 value .02.
01  Tax-W            Pic 99v999 value .035.
01  Tax-B            Pic 99v999 value .03.
01  Ave-Tax          Pic 99v999.
01  Median-Tax       Pic 99v999.
01  Tax-Range        Pic 99v999.
. . .
    Compute Ave-Tax    = Function Mean   (Tax-S Tax-T Tax-W Tax-B)
    Compute Median-Tax = Function Median (Tax-S Tax-T Tax-W Tax-B)
    Compute Tax-Range  = Function Range  (Tax-S Tax-T Tax-W Tax-B)