Examples: fixed-point and floating-point evaluations
The following example shows statements that are evaluated using fixed-point arithmetic and using floating-point arithmetic.
Assume that you define the data items for an employee table in the following manner:
01 employee-table.
05 emp-count pic 9(4).
05 employee-record occurs 1 to 1000 times
depending on emp-count.
10 hours pic +9(5)ve+99.
. . .
01 report-matrix-col pic 9(3).
01 report-matrix-min pic 9(3).
01 report-matrix-max pic 9(3).
01 report-matrix-tot pic 9(3).
01 average-hours pic 9(3)v9.
01 whole-hours pic 9(4).
These statements are evaluated using floating-point arithmetic:
compute report-matrix-col = (emp-count ** .5) + 1
compute report-matrix-col = function sqrt(emp-count) + 1
if report-matrix-tot < function sqrt(emp-count) + 1
These statements are evaluated using fixed-point arithmetic:
add report-matrix-min to report-matrix-max giving report-matrix-tot
compute report-matrix-max =
function max(report-matrix-max report-matrix-tot)
if whole-hours not = function integer-part((average-hours) + 1)