Overriding binder (linkage-editor) defaults
You might need to override the Enterprise COBOL default settings for AMODE and RMODE depending on the settings of the RENT and RMODE compiler options.
not override AMODE or RMODE assigned by the compiler, in particular:
- Do not change the RMODE of Enterprise COBOL Version 5 and Version 6 NORENT programs to RMODE ANY.
- Do not change the AMODE of Enterprise COBOL Version 5.1.0 programs to AMODE 24. You can change the AMODE of Enterprise COBOL Version 5.1.1 and later programs to AMODE 24.
If a program object gets assigned AMODE 24 after binding, then it must also have RMODE 24. You cannot specify the binder option RMODE(ANY).
If you compile with the RENT compiler option, you must tell the binder that a module is RENT with REUS=RENT or the alternative RENT option (RENT includes REUS, so REUS is not necessary). The attribute RENT is not set in the program object by the compiler, unlike AMODE and RMODE.