IBM extensions and COBOL standards

IBM® extensions are features, syntax rules, or behaviors defined by IBM rather than by the COBOL standards. IBM extensions generally add features, syntax, or rules that are not specified in the ANSI and ISO COBOL standards that are listed in Industry specifications. The term 85 COBOL Standard refers to those standards.

IBM extensions

The COBOL standards are listed in Industry specifications.

Table 1 lists IBM extensions with a brief description. Standard behavior is shown in brackets, [ ], when the standard behavior is not obvious. Extensions are described in more detail throughout this document, but they are not further identified as extensions.

Many IBM extensions are distinguished from standard language by their syntax. For others, you use compiler options to choose between standard and extension behavior. Generally, the related compiler options are noted in the detailed rules. For information about compiler options, see Option settings for 85 COBOL Standard conformance in the Enterprise COBOL Programming Guide.

If an item is listed as an extension, all related rules are also extensions. For example, USAGE DISPLAY-1 for DBCS characters is listed as an extension; its many uses in statements and clauses are also extensions, but are not listed separately.

Table 1. IBM extension language elements
Language area Extension elements
COBOL words User-defined words written in DBCS characters

Computer-name written in DBCS characters

Class-names (for object orientation)


User-defined words can include an underscore, but not as the first character.

National character support (Unicode support) Support for UTF-16 with USAGE NATIONAL

Allowance of UTF-8 with USAGE DISPLAY

Usage NATIONAL for data categories national, national-edited, numeric, numeric-edited, external decimal, and external floating-point

GROUP-USAGE clause with the NATIONAL phrase

National literals (basic and hexadecimal)

National character value for figurative constants SPACE, ZERO, QUOTE, HIGH-VALUES, LOW-VALUES, ALL literal

Intrinsic functions for data conversion:

Extended case mapping with UPPER-CASE and LOWER-CASE functions

Implicit items Special object references:
  • SELF

Special registers:

Figurative constants Selection of apostrophe (') as the value of the figurative constant QUOTE

NULL and NULLS for pointers and object references

Literals Use of apostrophe (') as an alternative to the quotation mark (") in opening and closing delimiters

Mixed single-byte and double-byte characters in alphanumeric literals (mixed literals)

Hexadecimal notation for alphanumeric literals, defined by opening delimiters X" and X'

Null-terminated alphanumeric literals, defined by opening delimiters Z" and Z'

DBCS literals, defined by opening delimiters N", N', G", and G'. N" and N' are defined as DBCS when the NSYMBOL(DBCS) compiler option is in effect.

Consecutive alphanumeric literals (coding two consecutive alphanumeric literals by ending the first literal in column 72 of a continued line and starting the next literal with a quotation mark in the continuation line)

National literals N", N', NX", NX' for storing literal content as national characters. N" and N' are defined as national when the NSYMBOL(NATIONAL) compiler option is in effect.

19- to 31-digit fixed-point numeric literals. [The 85 COBOL Standard specifies a maximum of 18 digits.]

Floating-point numeric literals

Comments Comment lines before the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION header

Comment lines and comment entries containing multibyte characters

Inline comments

End markers The following end markers:
Indexing and subscripting Referencing a table with an index-name defined for a different table

Specifying a positive signed integer literal following the operator + or - in relative subscripting



An optional separator period following PROGRAM-ID, AUTHOR, INSTALLATION, DATE-WRITTEN, and SECURITY paragraph headers. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires a period following each of these paragraph headers.]

An optional separator period following program-name in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires a period following program-name.]

An alphanumeric literal for program-name in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph; characters $, #, and @ in the name of the outermost program, and the underscore can be the first character; program-name up to 160 characters in length. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that program-name be specified as a user-defined word.]

End markers Program-name in a literal. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that program-name be specified as a user-defined word.]
Object-oriented structure In a class definition:

In a method definition:

Configuration section Repository paragraph
SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph The optional order of clauses. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that the clauses be coded in the order presented in the syntax diagram.]

Optionality of a period after the last clause when no clauses are coded. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires a period, even when no clauses are coded.]

Multiple CURRENCY SIGN clauses. [The 85 COBOL Standard allows a single CURRENCY SIGN clause.]


Multiple-character and mixed-case currency signs in the CURRENCY SIGN clause (when the WITH PICTURE SYMBOL phrase is specified). [The 85 COBOL Standard allows only one character, and it is both the currency sign and the currency picture symbol. The standard currency sign must not be:

  • The same character as any standard picture symbol
  • A digit 0-9
  • One of the special characters * + - , ; ( ) " = /
  • A space ]

Use of lower-case alphabetic characters as a currency sign. [The 85 COBOL Standard allows only uppercase characters.]

INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION, FILE-CONTROL paragraph Optionality of "FILE-CONTROL." when the INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION is specified, no file-control-paragraph is specified, and there are no files defined in the compilation unit. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that "FILE-CONTROL." be coded if "INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION." is coded.]

Optionality of the file-control-paragraph when the "FILE CONTROL." syntax is specified and there are no files defined in the compilation unit. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that a file-control-paragraph be coded if "INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION." is coded.]


The second data-name in the FILE STATUS clause

Optionality of RECORD in the ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clause. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires the word RECORD.]

A numeric, numeric-edited, alphanumeric-edited, alphabetic, internal floating-point, external floating-point, national, national-edited, or DBCS primary or alternate record key data item. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that the key be alphanumeric.]

A primary or alternate record key defined outside the minimum record size for indexed files containing variable-length records. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that the primary and alternate record keys be within the minimum record size.]

A numeric data item of usage DISPLAY or NATIONAL in the FILE STATUS clause. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires an alphanumeric file status data item.]

The ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL clause and line-sequential file control format

National literal in the PADDING CHARACTER clause


Specifying only one file-name in the SAME clause in the sequential, indexed, and sort-merge formats of the I-O-control entry. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires at least two file-names.]

Optionality of the keyword ON in the RERUN clause. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that ON be coded.]

The line-sequential format I-O-control entry

The RERUN clause in the sort-merge I-O-control entry



Specifying level numbers that are lower than other level numbers at the same hierarchical level in a data description entry. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that all elementary or group items at the same level in the hierarchy be assigned identical level numbers.]

Data categories internal floating-point, external floating-point, DBCS, national, and national-edited.

Data category numeric with usage NATIONAL.

Data category numeric-edited with usage NATIONAL.

FILE SECTION data-name in the LABEL RECORDS clause, for specifying user labels


Line-sequential format file description entry

Sort/merge file description entry The following clauses:
BLOCK CONTAINS clause BLOCK CONTAINS 0 for QSAM files. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that at least 1 CHARACTER or RECORD be specified in the BLOCK CONTAINS clause.]
VALUE OF clause The lack of VALUE clause effect on execution when specified under an SD
DATA RECORDS clause Optionality of an 01 record description entry for a specified data-name. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that an 01 record with the same data-name be specified.]
LINAGE clause Specifying LINAGE for files opened in EXTEND mode
BLANK WHEN ZERO clause Alternative spellings ZEROS and ZEROES for ZERO
GLOBAL clause Specifying GLOBAL in the LINKAGE SECTION
INDEXED BY phrase Nonunique unreferenced index names
OCCURS clause Omission of "integer-1 TO" for variable-length tables

Complex OCCURS DEPENDING ON. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that an entry containing OCCURS DEPENDING ON be followed only by subordinate entries, and that no entry containing OCCURS DEPENDING ON be subordinate to an entry containing OCCURS DEPENDING ON.]

Implicit qualification of a key specified without qualifiers when the key name is not unique

Reference to a table through indexing when no INDEXED BY phrase is specified


Acceptance of nonunique index-names that are not referenced

Unbounded tables and groups

PICTURE clause A picture character-string containing 31 to 50 characters. [The 85 COBOL Standard allows a maximum of 30 characters.]

Picture symbols G and N

Picture symbol E and the external floating-point picture format

Coding a trailing comma insertion character or trailing period insertion character immediately followed by a separator comma or separator semicolon in a PICTURE clause that is not the last clause of a data description entry. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that a PICTURE clause containing a picture ending with a comma or period be the last clause in the entry and that it be followed immediately by a separator period.]

Selecting a currency sign and currency symbol with the CURRENCY compiler option

Case-sensitive currency symbols

The maximum of 31 digits for numeric items of usages DISPLAY and PACKED-DECIMAL and for numeric-edited items of USAGE DISPLAY

The effect of the TRUNC compiler option on the value of data items described with a usage of BINARY, COMPUTATIONAL, or COMPUTATIONAL-4

REDEFINES clause Specifying REDEFINES of a redefined data item

At a subordinate level, specifying a redefining data item that has a size greater than the size of the redefined data item

SYNCHRONIZED clause Specifying SYNCHRONIZED for a level 01 entry
USAGE clause The following phrases:

Use of the SYNCHRONIZED clause for items of usage INDEX

VALUE clause for condition-name entries A VALUE clause in file and LINKAGE SECTION other than in condition-name entries

A VALUE clause for a condition-name entry on a group that has usages other than DISPLAY


VOLATILE clause A VOLATILE clause in a format 1 data description entry
PROCEDURE DIVISION Omission of a section-name

Omission of a paragraph-name when a section-name is omitted

A method, factory, or object procedure division

Referencing data items in the LINKAGE SECTION without a USING phrase in the PROCEDURE DIVISION header (when those data-names are the operand of an ADDRESS OF phrase or ADDRESS OF special register)

The following statements:


The RETURNING phrase

Specifying a data item in the USING phrase when the data item has a REDEFINES clause in its description

Specifying multiple instances of a given data item in the USING phrase

The formats for method, factory, and object definitions

Declarative Procedures

Performing a nondeclarative procedure from a declarative procedure

Referencing a declarative procedure or nondeclarative procedure in a GO TO statement from a declarative procedure. [The 85 COBOL Standard specifies that a declarative procedure must not reference a nondeclarative procedure. A reference to a declarative procedure from either another declarative procedure or a nondeclarative procedure is allowed only with a PERFORM statement.]

Executing an active declarative

Procedures Specifying priority-number as a positive signed numeric literal. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires an unsigned integer.]

Omitting the section-header after the declaratives or when there are no declaratives. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires a section-header following the "DECLARATIVES." syntax and following the "END DECLARATIVES." syntax.]

Omitting an initial paragraph-name if there are no declaratives. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires a paragraph-name in the following circumstances:

  • After the USE statement if there are statements in the declarative procedure
  • Following a section header outside declarative procedures
  • Before any procedural statement if there are no declaratives

and the 85 COBOL Standard requires that procedural statements be within a paragraph.]

Specifying paragraphs that are not contained within a section, even if some paragraphs are so contained. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that paragraphs be within a section except when there are no declaratives. The 85 COBOL Standard requires that either all paragraphs be in sections or that none be.]

Conditional expressions DBCS and KANJI class conditions

Specifying data items of usage COMPUTATIONAL-3 or usage PACKED-DECIMAL in a NUMERIC class test

Relation condition Enclosing an alphanumeric, DBCS, or national literal in parentheses

The data-pointer format, the procedure-pointer and function-pointer format, and the object-reference format

Comparison of an index-name with an arithmetic expression

Use of parentheses within abbreviated combined relation conditions

Note: Enterprise COBOL supports most parenthesis usage as IBM extensions with the following exceptions:
  • Within the scope of an abbreviated combined relation condition, Enterprise COBOL does not support relational operators inside parentheses. For example:
    A = B  AND ( < C OR D)
  • Incorrect usages of parentheses in relation conditions are not accepted by Enterprise COBOL. For example:
    (A = 0 AND B) = 0
CORRESPONDING phrase Specifying an identifier that is subordinate to a filler item
INVALID KEY phrase Omission of both the INVALID KEY phrase and an applicable EXCEPTION/ERROR procedure. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires at least one of them.]
ACCEPT statement The environment-name operand of the FROM phrase


The DAY YYYYDDD phrase

ADD statement A composite of operands greater than 18 digits
ALLOCATE statement The LOC phrase
CALL statement The procedure-pointer and function-pointer operands for identifying the program to be called

The following phrases and parameters:


Specifying a file-name as an argument

Specifying the called program-name in an alphabetic or zoned-decimal data item

Specifying an argument defined as a subordinate group item. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that arguments be an elementary data item or a group item defined with level 01.]

CANCEL statement Specifying the name of the program to be canceled in an alphabetic or zoned-decimal data item

The effect of the PGMNAME compiler option on the name of the program to be canceled

CLOSE statement WITH NO REWIND phrase

The line-sequential format

COMPUTE statement The use of the word EQUAL in place of the equal sign (=)
DISPLAY statement The environment-name operand of the UPON phrase

Displaying signed numeric literals and noninteger numeric literals

DIVIDE statement A composite of operands greater than 18 digits
EXIT statement Specifying the EXIT statement in a sentence that has statements before or after the EXIT statement or in a paragraph that has other sentences. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that the EXIT statement be specified in a sentence by itself and that the sentence be the only sentence in the paragraph.]
EXIT PROGRAM statement Specifying EXIT PROGRAM before the last statement in a sequence of imperative statements. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that the EXIT PROGRAM statement be specified as the last statement in a sequence of imperative statements.]
GO TO statement Coding the unconditional format before the last statement in a sequence of imperative statements. [The 85 COBOL Standard requires that an unconditional GO TO be coded:
  • Only in a single-statement paragraph if no procedure-name is specified
  • Otherwise, as the last statement of a sentence.]
IF statement The use of END-IF with the NEXT SENTENCE phrase. [The 85 COBOL Standard disallows use of END-IF with NEXT SENTENCE.]

Initializing a data item that contains the DEPENDING phrase of the OCCURS clause

MERGE statement Specifying file-names in a SAME clause
MULTIPLY statement A composite of operands greater than 18 digits
OPEN statement The line-sequential format

Specifying the EXTEND phrase for files that have a LINAGE clause

PERFORM statement An empty in-line PERFORM statement

A common exit for two or more active PERFORMS

READ statement Omission of both the AT END phrase and an applicable declarative procedure

Omission of both the INVALID KEY phrase and an applicable declarative procedure

Read into an item that is neither an alphanumeric group item nor an elementary alphanumeric item

RETURN statement Return into an item that is neither an alphanumeric group item nor an elementary alphanumeric item
REWRITE statement Omission of both the INVALID KEY phrase and an applicable declarative procedure

Rewriting a record with a different number of character positions than the number of character positions in the record being rewritten

SEARCH statement Specifying END SEARCH with NEXT SENTENCE

Omission of both the NEXT SENTENCE phrase and imperative statements in the binary search format

SET statement The data-pointer format

The procedure-pointer and function-pointer format

The object reference format

SORT statement Specifying GIVING file-names in the SAME clause
START statement Omission of both the INVALID KEY phrase and an applicable exception procedure

Use of a key of a category other than alphanumeric

STOP statement Specifying a noninteger fixed-point literal or a signed numeric integer or noninteger fixed-point literal

Coding STOP as other than the last statement in a sentence

STRING statement Reference modification of the data item specified in the INTO phrase
SUBTRACT statement A composite of operands greater than 18 digits
UNSTRING statement Reference modification of the sending field

The line-sequential format

For a relative file, writing a different number of character positions than the number of character positions in the record being replaced

Specifying both the ADVANCING PAGE and END-OF-PAGE phrases in a single WRITE statement

The effect of the ADV compiler option on the length of the record written to a file

Using WRITE ADVANCING with stacker selection for a card punch file

For a relative or indexed file, omission of both the INVALID KEY phrase and an applicable exception procedure

Intrinsic functions The effect of the INTDATE compiler options on the INTEGER-OF-DATE and INTEGER-OF-DAY functions

The following functions:

FACTORIAL function The effect of the ARITH(EXTEND) compiler option on the range of values permitted in the argument
LENGTH function Specifying a pointer, the ADDRESS OF special register, or the LENGTH OF special register as an argument to the function
NUMVAL function The effect of the ARITH(EXTEND) compiler option on the maximum number of digits allowed in the argument
NUMVAL-C function The effect of the ARITH(EXTEND) compiler option on the maximum number of digits allowed in the argument
NUMVAL-F function The effect of the ARITH(EXTEND) compiler option on the maximum number of digits allowed in the argument
TEST-NUMVAL function The effect of the ARITH(EXTEND) compiler option on the maximum number of digits allowed in the argument
TEST-NUMVAL-C function The effect of the ARITH(EXTEND) compiler option on the maximum number of digits allowed in the argument
TEST-NUMVAL-F function The effect of the ARITH(EXTEND) compiler option on the maximum number of digits allowed in the argument
Compiler-directing statements The following statements:
Compiler directives CALLINTERFACE directive
COPY statement The optionality of the syntax "OF library-name" for specifying a text-name qualifier

Literals for specifying text-name and library-name


Nested COPY statements

Hyphen as the first or last character in the word form of REPLACING operands

The use of any character (other than a COBOL separator) in the word form of REPLACING operands. [The 85 COBOL Standard accepts only the characters used in formation of user-defined words.]

COBOL standards

Extensions range from minor relaxation of rules to major capabilities, such as XML support, Unicode support, object-oriented COBOL for Java interoperability, and DBCS character handling.