Example: accessing main program parameters under z/OS UNIX

The following example shows the three parameters that are passed by reference, and shows the coding that you can use to access them.

 Identification division.
 Program-id. "EXECED".
* This sample program displays arguments received via exec()   *
* function of z/OS UNIX                                        *
 Data division.
 Working-storage section.
 01 curr-arg-count pic 9(9) binary value zero.
 Linkage section.
 01 arg-count pic 9(9) binary.                     (1)
 01 arg-length-list.                               (2)
     05 arg-length-addr pointer occurs 1 to 99999
           depending on curr-arg-count.
 01 arg-list.                                      (3)
     05 arg-addr pointer occurs 1 to 99999
           depending on curr-arg-count.
 01 arg-length pic 9(9) binary.
 01 arg pic X(65536).
 Procedure division using arg-count arg-length-list arg-list.
* Display number of arguments received                          *
     Display "Number of arguments received: " arg-count
* Display each argument passed to this program                  *
     Perform arg-count times
       Add 1 to curr-arg-count
* *******************************************************
* * Set address of arg-length to address of current     *
* * argument length and display                         *
* *******************************************************
       Set Address of arg-length
         to arg-length-addr(curr-arg-count)
         "Length of Arg " curr-arg-count " = " arg-length
* *******************************************************
* * Set address of arg to address of current argument   *
* * and display                                         *
* *******************************************************
       Set Address of arg to arg-addr(curr-arg-count)
       Display "Arg " curr-arg-count " = " arg (1:arg-length - 1)
     Display "Display of arguments complete."
This count contains the number of elements in the arrays that are passed in the second and third parameters.
This array contains a pointer to the length of the nth entry in the argument list.
This array contains a pointer to the nth character string passed as an argument in the spawn() or exec() function or in the command invocation.