XML PARSE exceptions that do not allow continuation

The XML parser cannot continue processing if any of the exceptions described below occurs.

No further events are returned from the parser for any of these exceptions even if the processing procedure sets XML-CODE to zero before passing control back to the parser. The parser transfers control to the statement in the ON EXCEPTION phrase, if specified, otherwise to the end of the XML PARSE statement.

Table 1. XML PARSE exceptions that do not allow continuation
Exception code (decimal) Description
100 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning the start of the XML declaration.
101 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the end of the XML declaration.
102 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the root element.
103 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the version information in the XML declaration.
104 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the version information value in the XML declaration.
106 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the encoding declaration value in the XML declaration.
108 The parser reached the end of the document while looking for the standalone declaration value in the XML declaration.
109 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning an attribute name.
110 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning an attribute value.
111 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a character reference or entity reference in an attribute value.
112 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning an empty element tag.
113 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning the root element name.
114 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning an element name.
115 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning character data in element content.
116 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a processing instruction in element content.
117 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a comment or CDATA section in element content.
118 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a comment in element content.
119 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a CDATA section in element content.
120 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning a character reference or entity reference in element content.
121 The parser reached the end of the document while scanning after the close of the root element.
122 The parser found a possible invalid start of a document type declaration.
123 The parser found a second document type declaration.
124 The first character of the root element name was not a letter, '_', or ':'.
125 The first character of the first attribute name of an element was not a letter, '_', or ':'.
126 The parser found an invalid character either in or following an element name.
127 The parser found a character other than '=' following an attribute name.
128 The parser found an invalid attribute value delimiter.
130 The first character of an attribute name was not a letter, '_', or ':'.
131 The parser found an invalid character either in or following an attribute name.
132 An empty element tag was not terminated by a '>' following the '/'.
133 The first character of an element end tag name was not a letter, '_', or ':'.
134 An element end tag name was not terminated by a '>'.
135 The first character of an element name was not a letter, '_', or ':'.
136 The parser found an invalid start of a comment or CDATA section in element content.
137 The parser found an invalid start of a comment.
138 The first character of a processing instruction target name was not a letter, '_', or ':'.
139 The parser found an invalid character in or following a processing instruction target name.
140 A processing instruction was not terminated by the closing character sequence '?>'.
141 The parser found an invalid character following '&' in a character reference or entity reference.
142 The version information was not present in the XML declaration.
143 'version' in the XML declaration was not followed by '='.
144 The version declaration value in the XML declaration is either missing or improperly delimited.
145 The version information value in the XML declaration specified a bad character, or the start and end delimiters did not match.
146 The parser found an invalid character following the version information value closing delimiter in the XML declaration.
147 The parser found an invalid attribute instead of the optional encoding declaration in the XML declaration.
148 'encoding' in the XML declaration was not followed by '='.
149 The encoding declaration value in the XML declaration is either missing or improperly delimited.
150 The encoding declaration value in the XML declaration specified a bad character, or the start and end delimiters did not match.
151 The parser found an invalid character following the encoding declaration value closing delimiter in the XML declaration.
152 The parser found an invalid attribute instead of the optional standalone declaration in the XML declaration.
153 standalone in the XML declaration was not followed by =.
154 The standalone declaration value in the XML declaration is either missing or improperly delimited.
155 The standalone declaration value was neither 'yes' nor 'no' only.
156 The standalone declaration value in the XML declaration specified a bad character, or the start and end delimiters did not match.
157 The parser found an invalid character following the standalone declaration value closing delimiter in the XML declaration.
158 The XML declaration was not terminated by the proper character sequence '?>', or contained an invalid attribute.
159 The parser found the start of a document type declaration after the end of the root element.
160 The parser found the start of an element after the end of the root element.
161 The parser found an invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
162 The parser found a UTF-8 character that has a Unicode scalar value greater than x'FFFF'.
315 The actual document encoding was UTF-16 little-endian, which the parser does not support on this platform.
316 The actual document encoding was UCS4, which the parser does not support.
317 The parser cannot determine the document encoding. The document might be damaged.
318 The actual document encoding was UTF-8, which the parser does not support.
320 The document data item was national, but the actual document encoding was EBCDIC.
321 The document data item was national, but the actual document encoding was ASCII.
322 The document data item was a native alphanumeric data item, but the actual document encoding was EBCDIC.
323 The document data item was a host alphanumeric data item, but the actual document encoding was ASCII.
324 The document data item was national, but the actual document encoding was UTF-8.
325 The document data item was a host alphanumeric data item, but the actual document encoding was UTF-8.
500 - 599 Internal error. Report the error to your service representative.

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