Example: setting and accessing environment variables

The following example shows how you can access and set environment variables from a COBOL program by calling the standard POSIX functions getenv() and putenv().

Because getenv() and putenv() are C functions, you must pass arguments BY VALUE. Pass character strings as BY VALUE pointers that point to null-terminated strings. Compile programs that call these functions with the NODYNAM and PGMNAME(LONGMIXED) options.

 CBL pgmname(longmixed),nodynam
 Identification division.
 Program-id. "envdemo".
 Data division.
 Working-storage section.
 01 P pointer.
 01 PATH pic x(5) value Z"PATH".
 01 var-ptr pointer.
 01 var-len pic 9(4) binary.
 01 putenv-arg pic x(14) value Z"MYVAR=ABCDEFG".
 01 rc pic 9(9) binary.
 Linkage section.
 01 var pic x(5000).
 Procedure division.
* Retrieve and display the PATH environment variable
     Set P to address of PATH
     Call "getenv" using by value P returning var-ptr
     If var-ptr = null then
         Display "PATH not set"
         Set address of var to var-ptr
         Move 0 to var-len
         Inspect var tallying var-len
           for characters before initial X"00"
         Display "PATH = " var(1:var-len)
* Set environment variable MYVAR to ABCDEFG
     Set P to address of putenv-arg
     Call "putenv" using by value P returning rc
     If rc not = 0 then
         Display "putenv failed"
         Stop run