Initializing all occurrences of a given table element

You can use the VALUE clause in the data description of a table element to initialize all instances of that element to the specified value.

About this task

01  T2.
    05 T-OBJ                   PIC 9   VALUE 3.
           DEPENDING ON T-OBJ.
       10 X                    PIC XX  VALUE "AA".
       10 Y                    PIC 99  VALUE 19.
       10 Z                    PIC XX  VALUE "BB".

For example, the code above causes all the X elements (1 through 5) to be initialized to AA, all the Y elements (1 through 5) to be initialized to 19, and all the Z elements (1 through 5) to be initialized to BB. T-OBJ is then set to 3.

Related references  
OCCURS clause (COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)