Example: date-and-time picture strings

These are examples of picture strings that are recognized by the date and time services.

Table 1. Examples of date-and-time picture strings
Picture strings Examples Comments
YYMMDD 880516  
YYYYMMDD 19880516
YYYY-MM-DD 1988-05-16 1988-5-16 would also be valid input.
<JJJJ> YY.MM.DD Showa 63.05.16 Showa is a Japanese Era name. Showa 63 equals 1988.
MMDDYY 050688 One-digit year format (Y) is valid for output only.
MM/DD/YY 05/06/88
ZM/ZD/YY 5/6/88
MM/DD/YYYY 05/06/1988
MM/DD/Y 05/06/8
DD.MM.YY 09.06.88 Z suppresses zeros and blanks.
DD-RRRR-YY 09-VI -88
DD Mmmmmmmmmm YY 09 June 88
ZD Mmmmmmmmmz YY 9 June 88
Mmmmmmmmmz ZD, YYYY June 9, 1988
YY.DDD 88.137 Julian date
YYDDD 88137
YYYY/DDD 1988/137
YYMMDDHHMISS 880516204229 Time stamp: valid only for CEESECS and CEEDATM. If used with CEEDATE, time positions are filled with zeros. If used with CEEDAYS, HH, MI, SS, and 999 fields are ignored.
YYYYMMDDHHMISS 19880516204229
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.999 1988-05-16 20:42:29.046
WWW, ZM/ZD/YY HH:MI AP MON, 5/16/88 08:42 PM
Wwwwwwwwwz, DD Mmm YYYY, ZH:MI AP Monday, 16 May 1988, 8:42 PM
Note: Lowercase characters can be used only for alphabetic picture terms.