Nesting tables
To create a two-dimensional table, define a one-dimensional table in each occurrence of another one-dimensional table.
About this task
For example, in SAMPLE-TABLE-TWO
above, TABLE-ROW
an element of a one-dimensional table that
occurs two times. TABLE-COLUMN
is an element of a
two-dimensional table that
occurs three times in each occurrence of TABLE-ROW
To create a three-dimensional table, define a one-dimensional table in each occurrence of another one-dimensional table, which is itself contained in each occurrence of another one-dimensional table. For example:
an element of a one-dimensional table that
occurs two times. TABLE-ROW
is an element of a two-dimensional
table that
occurs two times within each occurrence of TABLE-DEPTH
an element of a three-dimensional table
that occurs three times within each occurrence of TABLE-ROW
In a two-dimensional table, the two subscripts correspond to the row and column numbers. In a three-dimensional table, the three subscripts correspond to the depth, row, and column numbers.
Defining a table (OCCURS)
Referring to an item in a table
Putting values into a table
Creating variable-length tables (DEPENDING ON)
Searching a table
Processing table items using intrinsic functions
Handling tables efficiently