Tallying and replacing data items (INSPECT)

Use the INSPECT statement to inspect characters or groups of characters in a data item and to optionally replace them.

About this task

Use the INSPECT statement to do the following tasks:

  • Count the number of times a specific character occurs in a data item (TALLYING phrase).
  • Fill a data item or selected portions of a data item with specified characters such as spaces, asterisks, or zeros (REPLACING phrase).
  • Convert all occurrences of a specific character or string of characters in a data item to replacement characters that you specify (CONVERTING phrase).

You can specify one of the following data items as the item to be inspected:

  • An elementary item described explicitly or implicitly as USAGE DISPLAY, USAGE DISPLAY-1, or USAGE NATIONAL
  • An alphanumeric group item or national group item

If the inspected item has:

  • USAGE DISPLAY, each identifier in the statement (except the TALLYING count field) must have USAGE DISPLAY, and each literal in the statement must be alphanumeric
  • USAGE NATIONAL, each identifier in the statement (except the TALLYING count field) must have USAGE NATIONAL, and each literal in the statement must be national
  • USAGE DISPLAY-1, each identifier in the statement (except the TALLYING count field) must have USAGE DISPLAY-1, and each literal in the statement must be a DBCS literal

Examples: INSPECT statement

Related references  
INSPECT statement (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)