Example: null-terminated strings

The following example shows several ways in which you can process null-terminated strings.

 01  L pic X(20) value z'ab'.
 01  M pic X(20) value z'cd'.
 01  N pic X(20).
 01  N-Length pic 99 value zero.
 01  Y pic X(13) value 'Hello, World!'.
 . . .
* Display null-terminated string:
     Inspect N tallying N-length
       for characters before initial x'00'
     Display 'N: ' N(1:N-Length) ' Length: ' N-Length
     . . .
* Move null-terminated string to alphanumeric, strip null:
     Unstring N delimited by X'00' into X
     . . .
* Create null-terminated string:
     String Y     delimited by size
            X'00' delimited by size
            into N.
     . . .
* Concatenate two null-terminated strings to produce another:
     String L     delimited by x'00'
            M     delimited by x'00'
            X'00' delimited by size
            into N.