Elementary moves

An elementary move is one in which the receiving item is an elementary data item and the sending item is an elementary data item or a literal.

Valid operands belong to one of the following categories:

  • Alphabetic: includes data items of category alphabetic and the figurative constant SPACE
  • Alphanumeric: includes the following items:
    • Data items of category alphanumeric
    • Alphanumeric functions
    • Alphanumeric literals
    • The figurative constant ALL alphanumeric-literal and all other figurative constants (except NULL) when used in a context that requires an alphanumeric sending item
  • Alphanumeric-edited: includes data items of category alphanumeric-edited
  • Boolean: includes Boolean data items and Boolean literals.
  • Date-Time: includes date, time, and timestamp data items of class date-time. Date-time data items are defined as USAGE DISPLAY or PACKED-DECIMAL.
  • DBCS: includes data items of category DBCS, DBCS literals, and the figurative constant ALL DBCS-literal.
  • External floating-point: includes data items of category external floating point (described with USAGE DISPLAY or USAGE NATIONAL) and floating-point literals.
  • Internal floating-point: includes data items of category internal floating-point (defined as USAGE COMP-1 or USAGE COMP-2)
  • National: includes the following items:
    • National group items (treated as elementary item of category national)
    • Data items of category national
    • National literals
    • National functions
    • Figurative constants ZERO, SPACE, QUOTE, and ALL national-literal when used in a context that requires a national sending item
  • National-edited: includes data items of category national-edited
  • Numeric: includes the following items:
    • Data items of category numeric
    • Numeric literals
    • The figurative constant ZERO (when ZERO is moved to a numeric or numeric-edited item).
  • Numeric-edited: includes data items of category numeric-edited.