The SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph is the name of an ENVIRONMENT DIVISION paragraph in which environment-names are related to user-specified mnemonic-names.

The SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph:

  • Relates IBM®-specified environment-names to user-defined mnemonic-names
  • Relates alphabet-names to character sets or collating sequences
  • Specifies symbolic characters
  • Relates class names to sets of characters
  • Specifies one or more currency sign values and defines a picture symbol to represent each currency sign value in PICTURE clauses
  • Specifies that the functions of the comma and decimal point are to be interchanged in PICTURE clauses and numeric literals
  • Specifies the default formats for a date and or time data type
  • Relates locale object names and their associated library to user-defined mnemonic-names

The clauses in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph can appear in any order.

Format: SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSPECIAL-NAMES.environment-name-1ISmnemonic-name-1environment-name-2ISmnemonic-name-2entry 1entry 1ALPHABET alphabet-name-1ISSTANDARD-1STANDARD-2NATIVEEBCDICliteral-1phrase 1SYMBOLICCHARACTERSsymbolicIN alphabet-name-2CLASS class-name-1ISliteral-4THROUGHTHRUliteral-5CURRENCYSIGNISliteral-6WITHPICTURESYMBOLliteral-7DECIMAL-POINTISCOMMA FORMATOFDATETIMEIS literal-8SIZE PhraseLOCALE PhraseSIZEISinteger-4LOCALEISmnemonic-name-4 .1
  • 1 This separator period is optional when no clauses are selected. If you use any clauses, you must code the period after the last clause.


entry 1
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramONSTATUSIScondition-1OFFSTATUSIScondition-2OFFSTATUSIScondition-2ONSTATUSIScondition-1
phrase 1
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramTHROUGHTHRUliteral-2ALSOliteral-3
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramsymbolic-character-1AREISinteger-1
SIZE Phrase
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSIZEISinteger-3
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramLOCALE ISmnemonic-name-3

When the source code page is a multibyte code page, the following clauses cannot be specified:

  • ALPHABET clause
  • CLASS clause
  • SYMBOLIC characters clause

System devices or standard system actions taken by the compiler.

Valid specifications for environment-name-1 are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Meanings of environment names
environment- name-1 Meaning Allowed in
System logical input unit ACCEPT
System logical output unit DISPLAY
System punch device DISPLAY
C01 through C12 Skip to channel 1 through channel 12, respectively WRITE ADVANCING

With C01 through C12, one line is advanced.

CSP Suppress spacing WRITE ADVANCING
S01 through S05 Pocket select 1 through 5 on punch devices WRITE ADVANCING

With S01 through S05, one line is advanced.

AFP-5A Advanced Function Printing WRITE ADVANCING

A 1-byte user-programmable status indicator (UPSI) switch. Valid specifications for environment-name-2 are UPSI-0 through UPSI-7.
mnemonic-name-1 , mnemonic-name-2
mnemonic-name-1 and mnemonic-name-2 follow the rules of formation for user-defined names. mnemonic-name-1 can be used in ACCEPT, DISPLAY, and WRITE statements. mnemonic-name-2 can be referenced only in the SET statement. mnemonic-name-2 can qualify condition-1 or condition-2 names.

Mnemonic-names and environment-names need not be unique. If you choose a mnemonic-name that is also an environment-name, its definition as a mnemonic-name will take precedence over its definition as an environment-name.

UPSI switches process special conditions within a program, such as year-beginning or year-ending processing. For example, at the beginning of the PROCEDURE DIVISION, an UPSI switch can be tested; if it is ON, the special branch is taken. (See Switch-status condition.)
condition-1, condition-2
Condition-names follow the rules for user-defined names. At least one character must be alphabetic. The value associated with the condition-name is considered to be alphanumeric. A condition-name can be associated with the on status or off status of each UPSI switch specified.

In the PROCEDURE DIVISION, the UPSI switch status is tested through the associated condition-name. Each condition-name is the equivalent of a level-88 item; the associated mnemonic-name, if specified, is considered the conditional variable and can be used for qualification.

Condition-names specified in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph of a containing program can be referenced in any contained program.