The SAME SORT AREA clause is syntax checked but has no effect on the execution of the program.

file-name-3 , file-name-4
Must be specified in the file-control paragraph of the same program. file-name-3 and file-name-4 must not reference a file that is defined with the EXTERNAL clause.

When the SAME SORT AREA clause is specified, at least one file-name specified must name a sort file. Files that are not sort files can also be specified. The following rules apply:

  • More than one SAME SORT AREA clause can be specified. However, a given sort file must not be named in more than one such clause.
  • If a file that is not a sort file is named in both a SAME AREA clause and in one or more SAME SORT AREA clauses, all the files in the SAME AREA clause must also appear in that SAME SORT AREA clause.
  • Files named in a SAME SORT AREA clause need not have the same organization or access.
  • Files named in a SAME SORT AREA clause that are not sort files do not share storage with each other unless they are named in a SAME AREA or SAME RECORD AREA clause.
  • During the execution of a SORT or MERGE statement that refers to a sort or merge file named in this clause, any nonsort or nonmerge files associated with file-names named in this clause must not be in the open mode.