Abbreviated terms
Certain terms are used in a shortened form in this information. Abbreviations for the product names used most frequently are listed alphabetically in the table below.
Term used | Long form |
TXSeries® | IBM® TXSeries for Multiplatforms |
CICS® TX | Either CICS TX Advanced or CICS TX Standard |
CICS | Either IBM TXSeries for Multiplatforms or IBM CICS TX |
COBOL for Linux® | IBM COBOL for Linux on x86 |
Db2® | IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows |
RSD | Record sequential delimited file system |
STL | Standard language file system |
Note: Effective 9 August 2024, IBM withdraws from marketing IBM CICS TX
Standard (5900-ALU) and IBM CICS TX Advanced (5737-K69).
In addition to these abbreviated terms, the term "85 COBOL Standard" is used in this information to refer to the combination of the following standards:
- ISO 1989:1985, Programming languages - COBOL
- ISO/IEC 1989/AMD1:1992, Programming languages - COBOL: Intrinsic function module
- ISO/IEC 1989/AMD2:1994, Programming languages - Correction and clarification amendment for COBOL
- ANSI INCITS 23-1985, Programming Languages - COBOL
- ANSI INCITS 23a-1989, Programming Languages - Intrinsic Function Module for COBOL
- ANSI INCITS 23b-1993, Programming Language - Correction Amendment for COBOL
Other terms, if not commonly understood, are shown in italics the first time they appear and are listed in the glossary.