Example: converting to and from national data

The following example shows the NATIONAL-OF and DISPLAY-OF intrinsic functions and the MOVE statement for converting to and from national (UTF-16) data items. It also demonstrates the need for explicit conversions when you operate on strings that are encoded in multiple code pages.

* . . .
 01  Data-in-Unicode          pic N(100) usage national.
 01  Data-in-Greek            pic X(100).
 01  other-data-in-US-English pic X(12) value "PRICE in $ =".
* . . .
     Read Greek-file into Data-in-Greek
     Move function National-of(Data-in-Greek, "ISO8859-7")
         to Data-in-Unicode
* . . . process Data-in-Unicode here . . .
     Move function Display-of(Data-in-Unicode, "ISO8859-7")
         to Data-in-Greek
     Write Greek-record from Data-in-Greek

The example above works correctly because the input code page is specified. Data-in-Greek is converted as data represented in ISO8859-7 (Ascii Greek). However, the following statement results in an incorrect conversion unless all the characters in the item happen to be among those that have a common representation in both the Greek and the English code pages:

Move Data-in-Greek to Data-in-Unicode

Assuming that the locale in effect is en_US.ISO8859-1, the MOVE statement above converts Data-in-Greek to Unicode based on the code page ISO8859-1 to UTF-16LE conversion. This conversion does not produce the expected results because Data-in-Greek is encoded in ISO8859-7.

If you set the locale to el_GR.ISO8859-7 (that is, your program handles ASCII data in Greek), you can code the same example correctly as follows:

* . . .
 01  Data-in-Unicode pic N(100) usage national.
 01  Data-in-Greek   pic X(100).
* . . .
     Read Greek-file into Data-in-Greek
* . . . process Data-in-Greek here ...
* . . . or do the following (if need to process data in Unicode):
     Move Data-in-Greek to Data-in-Unicode
* . . . process Data-in-Unicode
     Move function Display-of(Data-in-Unicode) to Data-in-Greek
     Write Greek-record from Data-in-Greek

Related tasks  
Setting the locale