The XML-EVENT special register is used to communicate event information from the XML parser to the processing procedure that was identified in the XML PARSE statement.
Prior to passing control to the processing procedure, the XML parser sets the XML-EVENT special register to the name of the XML event, as described in Table 1.
XML-EVENT has the implicit definition:
When used in nested programs, this special register is implicitly defined with the global attribute in the outermost program.
The content of XML-EVENT is encoded in the EBCDIC or ASCII code page in effect at run time, depending on the setting of the CHAR compiler option (EBCDIC, NATIVE, or S390).
XML-EVENT cannot be used as a receiving data item.
XML event (content of XML-EVENT) | Content of XML-TEXT or XML-NTEXT |
ATTRIBUTE-CHARACTER | The single character that corresponds with the predefined entity reference in the attribute value |
ATTRIBUTE-CHARACTERS | The value within quotation marks or apostrophes. This can be a substring of the attribute value if the value includes an entity reference. |
ATTRIBUTE-NAME | The attribute name; the string to the left of the equal sign |
ATTRIBUTE-NATIONAL-CHARACTER | Regardless of the type of the XML document specified by identifier-1 in the XML PARSE statement, XML-TEXT is empty with length zero and XML-NTEXT contains the single national character that corresponds with the numeric character reference. |
COMMENT | The text of the comment between the opening character sequence "<!--" and the closing character sequence "-->" |
CONTENT-CHARACTER | The single character that corresponds with the predefined entity reference in the element content |
CONTENT-CHARACTERS | The character content of the element between start and end tags. This can be a substring of the character content if the content includes an entity reference or another element. |
CONTENT-NATIONAL-CHARACTER | Regardless of the type of the XML document specified by identifier-1 in the XML PARSE statement, XML-TEXT is empty with length zero and XML-NTEXT contains the single national character that corresponds with the numeric character reference.1 |
DOCUMENT-TYPE-DECLARATION | The entire document type declaration, including the opening and closing character sequences "<!DOCTYPE" and ">" |
ENCODING-DECLARATION | The value, between quotes or apostrophes, of the encoding declaration in the XML declaration |
END-OF-CDATA-SECTION | The string "]]>" |
END-OF-DOCUMENT | Empty with length zero |
END-OF-ELEMENT | The name of the end element tag or empty element tag |
EXCEPTION | The part of the document that was successfully
scanned, up to and including the point at which the exception was
detected.2 Special register XML-CODE contains the unique error code that identifies the exception. |
PROCESSING-INSTRUCTION-DATA | The rest of the processing instruction (after the target name), not including the closing sequence, "?>", but including trailing, and not leading, white space characters |
PROCESSING-INSTRUCTION-TARGET | The processing instruction target name, which occurs immediately after the processing instruction opening sequence, "<?" |
STANDALONE-DECLARATION | The value, between quotation marks or apostrophes ("yes" or "no"), of the stand-alone declaration in the XML declaration |
START-OF-DOCUMENT | The entire document |
START-OF-ELEMENT | The name of the start element tag or empty element tag, also known as the element type |
UNKNOWN-REFERENCE-IN-CONTENT | The entity reference name, not including the "&" and ";" delimiters |
UNKNOWN-REFERENCE-IN-ATTRIBUTE | The entity reference name, not including the "&" and ";" delimiters |
VERSION-INFORMATION | The value, between quotation marks or apostrophes, of the version information in the XML declaration |