Example: XREF output: COPY/BASIS cross-references

The following example shows a sorted cross-reference of copybooks to the library-names and file names of the associated copybooks, produced by the XREF compiler option. Numbers in parentheses refer to notes after the example.

        COPY/BASIS cross-reference of text-names, library names and file names

   (1)                          (1)                   (2) 
Text-name                   Library-name           File name                                 
                      (3)                    (3)  (4)
"realxrealyrealzlongxlo>    'thisislongdirecto>    <toryname/realxrealyrealzlongxname.cpy
"realxrealyrealzlongxlo>    SYSLIB (default)    (5)./cbldir1/realxrealyrealzlongxname.cpy
"copyA.cpy"                 SYSLIB (default)       ./cbldir1/copyA.cpy
'./copydir2/copyM.cbl'      SYSLIB (default)       ./copydir2/copyM.cbl
'/copyB.cpy'                SYSLIB                 ./cbldir1/copyB.cpy
'/copydir/copyM.cbl'        SYSLIB                 ./cbldir1/copydir/copyM.cbl
'cbldir1/copyC.cpy'         ALTDD2                 ./cbldir1/copyC.cpy
'copydir/copyM.cbl'         SYSLIB                 ./cbldir1/copydir/copyM.cbl
'copydir2/copyM.cbl'        SYSLIB (default)       ./copydir2/copyM.cbl
'copydir3/stuff.cpy'        ALTDD2                 ./copydir3/stuff.cpy
'stuff.cpy'                 ALTDD                  ./copydir3/stuff.cpy
OTHERDD                     ALTDD2                 .//cbldir1/other.cob
. . .

./ = /afs/stllp.sanjose.ibm.com/usr1/cobdev/tmross/stuff/subdir
Note: Some names were truncated.   > = truncated on right   < = truncated on left   
From the COPY statement in the source; for example the COPY statement corresponding to the fifth item in the cross-reference above would be:

COPY '/copyB.cpy' Of SYSLIB
The fully qualified path of the file from which the COPY member was copied
Truncation of a long text-name or library-name on the right is marked by a greater-than sign (>).
Truncation of a long file name on the left is marked by a less-than sign (<).
The current working directory portion of the file name is indicated by ./ in the cross-reference. The expansion of the current working directory name is shown in full beneath the cross-reference.

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