Specifying compiler options in the PROCESS (CBL) statement
Within a COBOL program, you can code most compiler
options in PROCESS
) statements.
Code the statements before the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION
and before any comment lines or compiler-directing statements.
About this task
If you do not use a sequence
field, you can start a PROCESS
statement in column
1 or after. If you use a sequence field, the sequence number must
start in column 1 and must contain six characters; the first character
must be numeric. If used with a sequence field, PROCESS
start in column 8 or after.
You can use CBL
a synonym for PROCESS
can likewise
start in column 1 or after if you do not use a sequence field. If
used with a sequence field, CBL
can start in column
8 or after.
You must end PROCESS
and CBL
at or before column 72 if your program uses fixed source format,
or column 252 if your program uses extended source format.
one or more blanks to separate a PROCESS
or CBL
from the first option in options-list. Separate
options with a comma or a blank. Do not insert spaces between individual
options and their suboptions.
You can code more than one PROCESS
or CBL
If you do so, the statements must follow one another with no intervening
statements. You cannot continue options across multiple PROCESS
or CBL
Reference format (COBOL for Linux® on x86 Language Reference)
CBL (PROCESS) statement (COBOL for Linux on x86 Language Reference)