Running programs

To run a COBOL program, you set environment variables, issue the command to run the executable, and then correct any runtime errors.

About this task


  1. Make sure that any needed environment variables are set.
    For example:
    • If the program uses an environment variable name to assign a value to a system file-name, set that environment variable.
    • If the program uses runtime options, specify their values in the COBRTOPT runtime environment variable.
  2. Run the program: At the command line, either enter the name of the executable module or run a command file that invokes that module. Include any needed program arguments on the command line.

    For example, if the command cob2 alpha.cbl beta.cbl-o gamma is successful, you can run the program by entering gamma.

  3. Correct runtime errors.

    You can use the debugger to examine the program state at the time of the errors.


Tip: If runtime messages are abbreviated or incomplete, the environment variables LANG or NLSPATH or both might be incorrectly set.

Related references  
Runtime options  
Runtime messages