Choosing efficient data types

Choosing the appropriate data type and PICTURE clause can produce more efficient code, as can avoiding USAGE DISPLAY and USAGE NATIONAL data items in areas that are heavily used for computations.

About this task

Making a data item too large can reduce performance, but a data item whose length is a small power of 2 bytes (1, 2, 4, 8 or 16), and which is aligned on a power of 2-byte boundary matching its size can usually be initialized and moved more quickly and with fewer instructions than one with an odd length or alignment.

Arithmetic is faster with binary than with packed-decimal, which is faster than zoned-decimal or DISPLAY, which is faster than national-decimal.

Options that affect types can also affect performance. For example, FLOAT(BE) is more expensive than FLOAT(NATIVE).

Consistent data types can reduce the need for conversions during operations on data items. You can also improve program performance by carefully determining when to use fixed-point and floating-point data types.

Related concepts  
Formats for numeric data