Using internal bridging

For internal bridging, you need to structure your program appropriately.

About this task

Do the following steps:


  1. Read the input files with two-digit-year dates.
  2. Declare these two-digit dates as windowed date fields and move them to expanded date fields, so that the compiler automatically expands them to four-digit-year dates.
  3. In the main body of the program, use the four-digit-year dates for all date processing.
  4. Window the dates back to two-digit years.
  5. Write the two-digit-year dates to the output files.


This process provides a convenient migration path to a full expanded-date solution, and can have performance advantages over using windowed dates.

When you use this technique, your changes to the program logic are minimal. You simply add statements to expand and contract the dates, and change the statements that refer to dates to use the four-digit-year date fields in WORKING-STORAGE instead of the two-digit-year fields in the records.

Because you are converting the dates back to two-digit years for output, you should allow for the possibility that the year is outside the century window. For example, if a date field contains the year 2020, but the century window is 1920-2019, then the date is outside the window. Simply moving the year to a two-digit-year field will be incorrect. To protect against this problem, you can use a COMPUTE statement to store the date, with the ON SIZE ERROR phrase to detect whether the date is outside the century window.

Example: internal bridging